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Friday, October 22, 2021

Tuesday, 1 January 2019 Happy 2019 Budget


Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Happy 2019 Budget

Happy New Year 2019
1st January 2019 A
Happy New Year this year my aim is to read more this year and to try and to reduce my carbon foot print.  With public service being cut again in Nuneaton I believe that I maybe forced to buy a car and add to the daily congestion and "rush hour."
So I will aim to buy a new car in April of 2019.

That gives me two months to start saving and to look for a car.  At the moment I have tried to cut down when I use public transport due to the rising in costs and the reduces services.
I remember ten year ago when I could catch the bus in Nuneaton almost 24/7.  Now I am lucky if I can catch a bus between 9.00-17.00 Monday to Friday.
I already tend to buy every thing off line which means that I am not worrying about standing in the rain for a bus, carrying heavy bags, fuel costs and car parking spaces.

It also means that I can do my shopping in half the time and can spend time with my children more.  I also only buy what I need and do not over spend and buy things that I do not need to buy.
I also have time to read the ingrediency and look at how things are packaged so that I can try to buy Palm oil free food and food that is not wrapped in ten layers of plastic or recycled boxes.
So I just hope that I can reduce my wastage, stick to my budget of £40.00 per shop per week. (Health start voucher £30.00 per month for milk and vegetables.) 

I am hoping to save £360.00 buy the end of the year and to try and cut my spending buy £20.00 per month if I can (Every 4 Weeks.)  Compared to last year.

I also will do another budgeting form for this year and a food diary.

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